Welcome to Luoyang Elementary School

Welcome to Luoyang Elementary School! 

At Luoyang Elementary School, located in Beidou Township, Changhua County, we strive to provide our 364 students with a comprehensive and diverse education that encourages hands-on learning and exploration. Our mission is to cultivate well-rounded individuals with strong academic foundations, artistic sensibilities, and a passion for the environment.

Our school is proud of its unique focus on butterflies and rice farming education. By integrating these elements into our curriculum, we promote ecological sustainability and foster a deep appreciation for the natural world among our students. This approach allows them to understand the importance of environmental stewardship and the interconnectedness of all living creatures.

To ensure our students receive a well-rounded education, we emphasize experiential learning through a variety of hands-on activities. By actively engaging in the learning process, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors.

Recognizing the importance of literacy in today's rapidly evolving digital age, we have implemented a dual reading literacy program. This approach not only bolsters students' abilities in traditional print reading but also equips them with the skills necessary to navigate and comprehend digital reading materials.

At Luoyang Elementary School, we believe that extracurricular activities are essential to a child's overall development. With 22 diverse clubs, including soccer, basketball, violin, dance, Go, and inline skating, our students can explore their interests and talents, creating a vibrant and colorful childhood experience.

Furthermore, we are committed to promoting art education and nurturing our students' artistic inclinations. Our young art guides program allows students to develop their artistic skills and share their passion for the arts with the broader community.

Join us at Luoyang Elementary School, where we create an enriching and nurturing environment that encourages our students to grow, learn, and thrive.



學校一直對蝴蝶的成長和水稻的種植教育的獨特關注而自豪。 透過蝴蝶和食農教育整合到我們的課程中,我們促進生態可持續性並培養學生對自然世界的深刻理解。 這種方法使學生能夠理解環境管理的重要性以及所有生物之間的相互聯繫。

為確保我們的學生接受全面的教育,我們強調通過各種實踐活動進行體驗式學習。 通過積極參與學習過程,學生可以培養批判性思維、解決問題和協作技能,這將在他們未來的成長發揮良好作用。

認識到掃盲在當今快速發展的數字時代的重要性,我們實施了雙重閱讀掃盲計劃。 這種方法不僅提高了學生閱讀傳統印刷品的能力,還使他們具備了瀏覽和理解數字閱讀材料所需的技能。

在螺陽國小,我們認為課外活動對孩子的全面發展至關重要。 螺陽有多元的戶外教育及22個社團教學,例如足球、籃球、小提琴、舞蹈、圍棋、直排輪等等,讓學生擁有多采多姿的彩色童年。

此外,我們致力推廣藝術教育,培養學生的藝術素養。 我們的年輕藝術指導計劃讓學生能夠發展他們的藝術技能,並與更廣泛的社區分享他們對藝術的熱情。
